Client: Mackay Regional Council

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Middle Creek Dam Upgrade

Middle Creek Dam was constructed in the late 50s / early 60s in line with all regulations in place at that time. Since then, Queensland dam safety regulations have been updated to ensure dams are now able to withstand more severe weather events. The upgrade will be done in 2 phases. Phase 1 consists of lower­ing the spillway by 1 metre and raising the dam wall by half a metre. When both phases are complete, the dam will be equipped to withstand flood events significantly worse than the 2008 Mackay floods.

Works Include:

• Retrofitting of a new filter in the upper part of the existing embankment section
• Raising of the dam crest using gabions supported with backfill and geosynthetic clay liner
• (GCL) impermeable membrane
• Removal of the spillway crest structure to lower full supply level (FSL) by approximately 1 m
• Retention and strengthening of the spillway walls around the approach channel and crest.

Key Aspects:

• Remote location
• Working in active waterway
