Gong Gong Reservoir
Located 10 mins from Ballarat, and built in 1877, Gong Gong reservoir when full, covers an area of around 25 hectares and holds 1,902 ML of water.
Entracon, working with GHD and Central Highlands water completed embankment remediation works for the Gong Gong Reservoir in March 2012.
This involved temporary work protection of the existing structures using sheet piles, excavation of the toe of the embankment to approx. 7-8m below natural surface, the placement of specialty grade fill on the embankment and the placement of approx. 10,000 ton of graded rock fill in a new weighting berm. The embankment now meets the Australian National Committee on Large Dam (AN COLD) requirements.
The project was completed on time and budget without incident.
Works Include:
• Bulk Earthwork
• Construction of filter and weighting berm.
• Removal and reinstatement of surface drain
• Conditioning, placement and compaction of earth fill
• Construction of a subsurface toe drain
• Concrete pit constructions and associated works
Key Aspects:
• High Rainfall Risk
• Deep excavation
• Maintenance of Dam wall integrity
• Protection of Heritage Buildings
• Maintaining water level within reservoir while under construction