Entracon has completed a significant number of Treatment Plant upgrades and retrofits of treatment plants for a number of providers within the Victorian Water Market.
Our skilled staff performs approximately 80% of the work on Treatment Plant projects. Items include, GPS survey, excavation, mild steel, stainless steel and plastiline welding, pump station construction, large in situ concrete tank construction, installation of dosing systems, low rise construction, lagoon construction, clay liner construction, large and small pipe work, pit construction, pump stations, confined space works and critical shutdown, rock work, road construction and maintenance of auditable QA, OHS & ENV systems.
A highly trained team is the key to the successful completion of large treatment plant upgrades, retrofit or construction projects. Entracon has the teams and equipment necessary to successfully take on such projects.
Our investment in specialist equipment has accelerated our productivity and increased our efficiencies, in such areas as small crawler cranes, specialist confined space equipment and cutting edge welding equipment. We continually train our people in the use of all specialist equipment and the required techniques which keeps us ahead of the field.
Entracon is a contractor of choice in the Victorian Water Market.